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There are 9 nine-letter words containing PEDAL

BACKPEDALbackpedal v. (Intransitive) To pedal backwards on a bicycle.
backpedal v. (Intransitive) To step backwards.
backpedal v. (Intransitive, idiomatic) To distance oneself from an earlier claim or statement; back off from an idea.
BIPEDALLYbipedally adv. In the manner of an animal that walks on two feet, two legs.
BIPEDAL adv. having two feet.
OVERPEDALoverpedal v. (Music, intransitive) To overuse the sustaining pedal of a piano, causing the notes to sound too loud.
OVERPEDAL v. to make excessive use of the sustaining pedal of a piano.
PEDALBOATpedalboat n. (Nautical) a pedalo.
PEDALBOAT n. a boat that is propelled by operating the pedals, usually one hired for pleasure.
PEDALCARSpedal␣cars n. Plural of pedal car.
PEDALCAR n. a four-wheeled vehicle that is operated by pedals, usually a child's toy.
PEDALFERSpedalfers n. Plural of pedalfer.
PEDALFER n. a type of soil, typical of a humid region.
PEDALIERSPEDALIER n. the pedal keyboard of an organ.
PEDALLERSpedallers n. Plural of pedaller.
PEDALLER n. someone who uses pedals, also PEDALER.
PEDALLINGpedalling v. (Britain) present participle of pedal.
pedalling n. Alternative form of pedaling.
PEDALLING n. the act of pedalling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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