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There are 11 nine-letter words containing PARAT

APPARATUSapparatus n. The entirety of means whereby a specific production is made existent or task accomplished.
apparatus n. A complex machine or instrument.
apparatus n. (Collective) An assortment of tools and instruments.
DISPARATEdisparate adj. Composed of inherently different or distinct elements; incongruous.
disparate adj. Essentially different; of different species, unlike but not opposed in pairs.
disparate adj. Utterly unlike; incapable of being compared; having no common ground.
PARATAXESparataxes n. Plural of parataxis.
PARATAXIS n. the juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions, as 'It was cold; the snows came'.
PARATAXISparataxis n. (Grammar) Speech or writing in which clauses or phrases are placed together without being separated…
parataxis n. (Literature) The juxtaposition of two images or fragments, usually starkly dissimilar, without a clear connection.
parataxis n. (Historical, politics) A coalition or "partisan camp" in the Ancient Greek political system.
PARATHIONparathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide acaricide, [O,O-diethyl-O-4-nitro-phenylthiophosphate], a powerful…
PARATHION n. an extremely toxic insecticide.
PARATONICparatonic adj. (Medicine) Relating to paratonia.
paratonic adj. (Linguistics) Relating to paratones.
paratonic adj. Retarding a plant’s growth.
PARATROOPparatroop n. A company of paratroopers.
PARATROOP adj. relating to paratroops, troops trained to drop by parachute.
SEPARATEDseparated v. Simple past tense and past participle of separate.
separated adj. Detached; not connected or joined; two or more things stand apart.
separated adj. (Of spouses) Estranged; living apart but not divorced.
SEPARATESseparates n. Plural of separate.
separates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of separate.
SEPARATE v. to set or keep apart.
SEPARATORseparator n. An object located between two or more things and hence separating them.
separator n. A device for removing one substance from another, such as cream from milk.
separator n. One who separates; an agent performing the action of separating.
SEPARATUMseparatum n. A separate copy of a paper originally published in an academic journal.
SEPARATUM n. a separate offprint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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