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There are 10 nine-letter words containing PACES

AIRSPACESairspaces n. Plural of airspace.
air␣spaces n. Plural of air space.
AIRSPACE n. the portion of atmosphere above a certain land area.
CARAPACEScarapaces n. Plural of carapace.
CARAPACE n. the shell of an animal such as a turtle or armadillo, also CARAPAX.
FOOTPACESfootpaces n. Plural of footpace.
FOOTPACE n. (obsolete) a walking pace.
HALFPACEShalfpaces n. Plural of halfpace.
HALFPACE n. a dais; a small landing on staircase.
MIDSPACESmidspaces n. Plural of midspace.
MIDSPACE n. the middle of space.
MISSPACESmisspaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misspace.
MISSPACE v. to space incorrectly.
SPACESHIPspaceship n. (Astronautics) A vehicle that flies through space.
spaceship n. (Computing, mathematics, cellular automata) A finite pattern that reappears after a certain number of…
spaceship n. (Programming) The operator <=> in certain programming languages, which compares two values and…
SPACESUITspacesuit n. Alternative spelling of space suit.
space␣suit n. A system of protective and pressurized clothing, together with environmental equipment, worn by astronauts…
space␣suit n. A pressurized protective outfit worn by people working with extreme biohazards.
SUBSPACESsubspaces n. Plural of subspace.
SUBSPACE n. a subset of a mathematical space.
WEBSPACESwebspaces n. Plural of webspace.
WEBSPACE n. storage space on a web server.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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