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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing PERIE

APERIENTaperient adj. Having a gentle laxative effect.
aperient n. A laxative, either in the form of a medicine or a food such as asparagus or hops, which has the effect…
APERIENT n. a laxative.
CREPERIEcreperie n. A crêperie; a restaurant that specializes in crêpes.
crêperie n. Alternative spelling of creperie.
CREPERIE n. (French) a restaurant that specializes in pancakes.
DUPERIESduperies n. Plural of dupery.
DUPERY n. the act or practice of duping.
EMPERIESemperies n. Plural of empery.
EMPERY n. empire or power.
JAPERIESjaperies n. Plural of japery.
JAPERY n. jesting, buffoonery.
MOPERIESMOPERY n. violation of a trivial or imaginary law, for example, loitering, used to arrest someone when no other crime can be charged.
NAPERIESnaperies n. Plural of napery.
NAPERY n. table and other household linen.
PAPERIERPAPERY adj. resembling paper.
ROPERIESroperies n. Plural of ropery.
ROPERY n. a place where ropes are made.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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