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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing PERIO

ANTIPERIODICSantiperiodics n. Plural of antiperiodic.
ANTIPERIODIC n. a drug with an antiperiodic effect.
APERIODICALLYaperiodically adv. In an aperiodic way.
APERIODIC adv. not periodic.
IMPERIOUSNESSimperiousness n. The quality of being imperious.
IMPERIOUS n. assuming command; haughty.
PERIODICALISTperiodicalist n. One who publishes, or writes for, a periodical.
PERIODICALIST n. a person who writes in a periodical.
PERIODICITIESperiodicities n. Plural of periodicity.
PERIODICITY n. the state of being regularly recurrent or having periods.
PERIODISATIONperiodisation n. Alternative form of periodization.
PERIODISATION n. division into periods, also PERIODIZATION.
PERIODIZATIONperiodization n. The process of categorizing something (e.g. history) into named periods.
periodization n. (Weightlifting, sports) Training in segments of a few weeks or months, so that training begins at lower…
PERIODIZATION n. division into periods, also PERIODISATION.
PERIODONTALLYperiodontally adv. In a periodontal way.
PERIODONTAL adv. investing or surrounding a tooth.
PERIODONTISTSperiodontists n. Plural of periodontist.
PERIODONTIST n. a dentist specialising in periodontics.
PERIODONTITISperiodontitis n. (Periodontology) A serious form or stage of periodontal disease which may lead to loss of bone and falling…
PERIODONTITIS n. inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth.
PERIOPERATIVEperioperative adj. (Surgery) Relating to the period around an operation, including immediate preoperative preparation and…
PERIOSTITIDESperiostitides n. Plural of periostitis.
PERIOSTITIS n. inflammation of the periosteum.
PERIOSTITISESPERIOSTITIS n. inflammation of the periosteum.
PERIOSTRACUMSPERIOSTRACUM n. the horny outer layer of a mollusc's shell.
PHOTOPERIODICphotoperiodic adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting photoperiodism.
PHOTOPERIODIC adj. relating to a photoperiod.
QUASIPERIODICquasiperiodic adj. Almost periodic; recurring at irregular intervals.
quasiperiodic adj. (Mathematics, of a function) Such that an increment of a variable leads to a multiplication by some function.
quasiperiodic adj. (Physics, of an oscillation) Having two unrelated periods.
SUPERIORESSESsuperioresses n. Plural of superioress.
SUPERIORESS n. the head of a nunnery.
SUPERIORITIESsuperiorities n. Plural of superiority.
SUPERIORITY n. the state of being superior.
SUPERIORSHIPSsuperiorships n. Plural of superiorship.
SUPERIORSHIP n. the office of superior.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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