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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing PASSI

COMPASSIONATEcompassionate adj. Having, feeling or showing compassion (to or toward someone).
compassionate adj. Given to someone as an exception because of a family emergency or a death in their family.
compassionate adj. (Obsolete) Inviting or asking for pity.
COMPASSIONINGcompassioning v. Present participle of compassion.
compassioning n. An act of bestowing compassion.
COMPASSION v. (archaic) to pity.
DISPASSIONATEdispassionate adj. Not showing, and not affected by, emotion, bias, or prejudice.
DISPASSIONATE adj. not influenced by strong feeling.
IMPASSIBILITYimpassibility n. The state or condition of being impassible.
IMPASSIBILITY n. the state of being impassible.
IMPASSIONEDLYimpassionedly adv. In an impassioned manner.
IMPASSIONED adv. IMPASSION, to arouse the passions of.
IMPASSIVENESSimpassiveness n. The state of being impassive.
IMPASSIVE n. not showing feeling or emotion.
IMPASSIVITIESimpassivities n. Plural of impassivity.
IMPASSIVITY n. the quality of being impassive.
OUTPASSIONINGoutpassioning v. Present participle of outpassion.
OUTPASSION v. to exceed in passion.
PASSIBILITIESpassibilities n. Plural of passibility.
PASSIBILITY n. the state of being passible.
PASSIONFLOWERpassionflower n. Any of very many vines, in North America and elsewhere, of the genus Passiflora that bear edible fruit…
passionflower n. The flower of this plant.
Passionflower n. Alternative letter-case form of passionflower.
PASSIONLESSLYpassionlessly adv. In a passionless manner; without passion.
PASSIONLESS adv. without passion.
PASSIVENESSESpassivenesses n. Plural of passiveness.
PASSIVENESS n. the state of being passive.
UNDERPASSIONSUNDERPASSION n. an underlying or subconscious passion.
UNIMPASSIONEDunimpassioned adj. Not impassioned; lacking passion; without emotion.
UNIMPASSIONED adj. not impassioned.
UNTRESPASSINGuntrespassing adj. Not trespassing.
UNTRESPASSING adj. not trespassing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 84 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 101 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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