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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing PETRO

NONPETROLEUMnonpetroleum adj. (Of fuel) Not petroleum-based, not containing petroleum.
NONPETROLEUM adj. not derived from petroleum.
PETROCHEMISTpetrochemist n. One who studies or works in petrochemistry.
PETROCHEMIST n. someone who studies petrochemistry or works in the petrochemical industry.
PETRODOLLARSpetrodollars n. Plural of petrodollar.
petrodollars n. Money earned through the sale of petroleum.
PETRODOLLAR n. a dollar's worth of foreign exchange obtained by a petroleum exporting country through sales abroad.
PETROGENESESpetrogeneses n. Plural of petrogenesis.
PETROGENESIS n. formation or development of rocks.
PETROGENESISpetrogenesis n. The branch of petrology dealing with the origin of igneous rocks.
PETROGENESIS n. formation or development of rocks.
PETROGENETICpetrogenetic adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to petrogenesis, the creation of new rock.
PETROGENETIC adj. relating to petrogenesis.
PETROGLYPHICpetroglyphic adj. Of or pertaining to petroglyphy.
PETROGLYPHIC adj. of or like a petroglyph, an ancient rock-carving.
PETROGRAPHERpetrographer n. A person practicing petrography.
PETROGRAPHER n. a practitioner of petrography.
PETROGRAPHICpetrographic adj. Relating to petrographs.
petrographic adj. Relating to petrography.
PETROGRAPHIC adj. relating to petrography, also PETROGRAPHICAL.
PETROLOGICALpetrological adj. Of or pertaining to petrology, the study of rock formation and composition.
PETROLOGICAL adj. relating to petrology, also PETROLOGIC.
PETROLOGISTSpetrologists n. Plural of petrologist.
PETROLOGIST n. a student of petrology, the geological study of rocks.
PETROPHYSICSpetrophysics n. (Geology, physics) The physics of rock, especially rock that acts as a reservoir for petroleum or other fluids.
PETROPHYSICS n. that branch of physics relating to the physical properties of rocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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