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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing PERMI

AZOOSPERMIASazoospermias n. Plural of azoospermia.
AZOOSPERMIA n. absence of spermatozoa from the seminal fluid.
HYPERMILINGSHYPERMILING n. the practice of maximizing the fuel economy of a motor vehicle, especially through driving technique and vehicle maintenance.
OLIGOSPERMIAoligospermia n. (Medicine) Low volume of semen.
OLIGOSPERMIA n. the condition of having less than the normal number of spermatozoa in the semen, a cause of infertility in men.
PANSPERMISMSPANSPERMISM n. the theory that life could be diffused through the universe by means of germs carried by meteorites, also PANSPERMATISM, PANSPERMIA, PANSPERMY.
PANSPERMISTSpanspermists n. Plural of panspermist.
PANSPERMIST n. a believer in panspermism.
PERMISSIVELYpermissively adv. In a permissive manner.
PERMISSIVE adv. permitting; granting leave or liberty.
PERMITTANCESpermittances n. Plural of permittance.
PERMITTANCE n. permission.
PERMITTIVITYpermittivity n. (Physics) A property of a dielectric medium that determines the forces that electric charges placed…
PERMITTIVITY n. the ratio of the electric displacement in a medium to the electric field intensity producing it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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