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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing PARAP

PARAPENTINGSPARAPENTING n. a cross between hang-gliding and parachuting, a sport in which the participant jumps from a high place wearing a modified type of parachute, which is then used as a hang-glider.
PARAPERIODICPARAPERIODIC adj. as in paraperiodic acid.
PARAPHILIACSparaphiliacs n. Plural of paraphiliac.
PARAPHILIAC n. a person who indulges in paraphilia, abnormal sexual practices.
PARAPHIMOSESparaphimoses n. Plural of paraphimosis.
PARAPHIMOSIS n. strangulation of the glans penis by constriction of the prepuce.
PARAPHIMOSISparaphimosis n. A medical condition where the foreskin becomes trapped behind the glans.
PARAPHIMOSIS n. strangulation of the glans penis by constriction of the prepuce.
PARAPHRASERSparaphrasers n. Plural of paraphraser.
PARAPHRASER n. one who paraphrases.
PARAPHRASINGparaphrasing v. Present participle of paraphrase.
paraphrasing n. A paraphrased statement.
PARAPHRASE v. to restate in different words.
PARAPHRASTICparaphrastic adj. Pertaining to a paraphrase.
paraphrastic adj. (Grammar) Of a Latin conjugation: composed of the verb sum with participial forms of the verbs conjugated…
PARAPHRASTIC adj. of the nature of a paraphrase, also PARAPHRASTICAL.
PARAPHRAXIASPARAPHRAXIA n. the inability to perform purposive movements properly, also PARAPHRAXIS.
PARAPHRENIASparaphrenias n. Plural of paraphrenia.
PARAPHRENIA n. any mental disorder of the paranoid type.
PARAPLANNERSparaplanners n. Plural of paraplanner.
PARAPLANNER n. a person who assists a financial planner, especially in compiling reports and conducting research.
PARAPOPHYSESparapophyses n. Plural of parapophysis.
PARAPOPHYSIS n. a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PARAPOPHYSISparapophysis n. (Anatomy) The ventral transverse, or capitular, process of a vertebra.
PARAPOPHYSIS n. a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PARAPRAXISESPARAPRAXIS n. a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind.
PARAPSYCHISMPARAPSYCHISM n. panpsychistic parallelism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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