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There are 19 ten-letter words containing PHENO

BISPHENOLSbisphenols n. Plural of bisphenol.
BISPHENOL n. a hydrocarbon used in the manufacture of plastics and resins.
INDOPHENOLindophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of blue or green dyes produced by oxidation of phenols and aromatic diamines.
INDOPHENOL n. any one of a series of artificial blue dyestuffs.
PHENOBARBSphenobarbs n. Plural of phenobarb.
PHENOBARB n. (short for) phenobarbitol.
PHENOCRYSTphenocryst n. (Mineralogy) Any relatively large crystal embedded in a more fine-grained or glassy igneous rock.
PHENOCRYST n. a larger crystal in a porphyritic rock.
PHENOLATEDphenolated adj. Treated with phenol.
phenolated adj. Reacted with a phenol or phenolate.
PHENOLATE v. to subject to the action of a phenolate.
PHENOLATESphenolates n. Plural of phenolate.
PHENOLATE n. a compound of phenol analogous to a salt, also PHENATE.
PHENOMENALphenomenal adj. (Colloquial) Very remarkable; highly extraordinary; amazing.
phenomenal adj. (Sciences) Perceptible by the senses through immediate experience.
phenomenal adj. (Philosophy) Of or pertaining to the appearance of the world, as opposed to the ultimate nature of the…
PHENOMENASPHENOMENA n. anything directly apprehended by the senses or one of them.
PHENOMENONphenomenon n. A thing or being, event or process, perceptible through senses; or a fact or occurrence thereof.
phenomenon n. (By extension) A knowable thing or event (eg by inference, especially in science).
phenomenon n. A kind or type of phenomenon (sense 1 or 2).
PHENOTYPEDphenotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of phenotype.
PHENOTYPE v. to categorise by phenotype, also PHAENOTYPE.
PHENOTYPESphenotypes n. Plural of phenotype.
PHENOTYPE v. to categorise by phenotype, also PHAENOTYPE.
PHENOTYPICphenotypic adj. Of, or relating to a phenotype.
PHENOTYPIC adj. relating to a phenotype, also PHENOTYPICAL.
PHENOXIDESphenoxides n. Plural of phenoxide.
PHENOXIDE n. a salt of a phenol, esp. in its capacity as a weak acid.
POLYPHENOLpolyphenol n. (Chemistry) any of a large class of organic compounds, of plant origin, having more than one phenol…
POLYPHENOL n. a polyhydroxy phenol.
SPHENODONSsphenodons n. Plural of sphenodon.
SPHENODON n. a member of the Sphenodont group of lizards, to which the tuatara belongs.
SPHENODONTsphenodont n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Sphenodontida.
SPHENODONT n. a member of the Sphenodont group of lizards, to which the tuatara belongs.
SPHENOGRAMsphenogram n. A cuneiform character.
SPHENOGRAM n. a cuneiform character.
SPHENOIDALsphenoidal adj. Synonym of sphenoid.
SPHENOIDAL adj. wedge-shaped, also SPHENOID.
SPHENOPSIDsphenopsid n. Any horsetail of the former order Sphenopsida, now Equisetopsida.
SPHENOPSID n. any of a class of tracheophyte with jointed ribbed stems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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