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There are 15 ten-letter words containing PARAM

PARAMAECIAparamaecia n. Plural of paramaecium.
PARAMAECIUM n. a microscopic unicellular ciliate protozoa, also PARAMECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
PARAMAGNETparamagnet n. (Physics) Any paramagnetic material.
PARAMAGNET n. an ordinary magnet as opposed to a diamagnet.
PARAMATTASparamattas n. Plural of paramatta.
PARAMATTA n. a cotton or silk and wool dress material, also PARRAMATTA.
PARAMECIUMparamecium n. An oval-shaped protozoan organism of the genus Paramecium.
Paramecium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Parameciidae – a ciliophore widely used as a model organism and for education.
PARAMECIUM n. a genus of tiny animals including the slipper animalcule, also PARAMAECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
PARAMEDICOPARAMEDICO n. a paradoctor, a doctor who parachutes to patients in remote areas, also PARAMEDIC, PARAMEDICAL.
PARAMEDICSparamedics n. Plural of paramedic.
PARAMEDIC n. a paramedical worker, also PARAMEDICAL, PARAMEDICO.
PARAMETERSparameters n. Plural of parameter.
PARAMETER n. a boundary or limit to the scope of something.
PARAMETRALparametral adj. Synonym of parametric.
PARAMETRAL adj. relating to parameters, also PARAMETRIC, PARAMETRICAL.
PARAMETRICparametric adj. (Mathematics, design, engineering, computing) Of, relating to, or defined using parameters.
parametric n. A parametric equation.
PARAMETRIC adj. relating to parameters, also PARAMETRAL, PARAMETRICAL.
PARAMNESIAparamnesia n. An inability to distinguish between real memories and dreams or fantasies.
paramnesia n. An inability to remember the meaning of common words.
PARAMNESIA n. abnormality of memory, esp. forgetting of meaning of words.
PARAMOECIAparamoecia n. Plural of paramoecium.
PARAMOECIUM n. any freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, having an oval body covered with cilia, also PARAMAECIUM, PARAMECIUM.
PARAMORPHSparamorphs n. Plural of paramorph.
PARAMORPH n. a pseudomorph formed by a change in molecular structure without change of chemical composition.
PARAMOUNCYPARAMOUNCY n. the state of being paramount, also PARAMOUNTCY.
PARAMOUNTSparamounts n. Plural of paramount.
PARAMOUNT n. an overlord; a supreme ruler or proprietor.
PARAMYLUMSPARAMYLUM n. a substance resembling starch, found in the green frothy scum formed on the surface of stagnant water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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