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There are 15 ten-letter words containing PARAG

ASPARAGINEasparagine n. (Biochemistry) A nonessential amino acid C4H8N2O3 found in plants such as asparagus.
ASPARAGINE n. an amino acid found in asparagus and other vegetables.
DISPARAGEDdisparaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of disparage.
DISPARAGE v. to belittle; to match in marriage with an inferior.
DISPARAGERdisparager n. One who disparages.
DISPARAGER n. one who disparages.
DISPARAGESdisparages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disparage.
DISPARAGE v. to belittle; to match in marriage with an inferior.
PARAGLIDEDparaglided v. Simple past tense and past participle of paraglide.
PARAGLIDE v. to glide through the air on a special parachute.
PARAGLIDERparaglider n. One who paraglides.
paraglider n. A lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure.
PARAGLIDER n. a glider with inflatable wings.
PARAGLIDESparaglides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of paraglide.
PARAGLIDE v. to glide through the air on a special parachute.
PARAGLOSSAparaglossa n. (Zoology) One of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects.
PARAGLOSSA n. one of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects.
PARAGNOSESparagnoses n. Plural of paragnosis.
PARAGNOSIS n. knowledge of matters immune to scientific investigation.
PARAGNOSISparagnosis n. Knowledge which can only be gained through extraordinary or supernatural means.
PARAGNOSIS n. knowledge of matters immune to scientific investigation.
PARAGOGUESPARAGOGUE n. the addition of a sound to the end of a word e.g. heighth for height, also PARAGOGE.
PARAGONINGparagoning v. Present participle of paragon.
PARAGON v. (archaic) to compare, match.
PARAGONITEparagonite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral related to muscovite.
PARAGONITE n. a kind of mica related to muscovite, but containing soda instead of potash.
PARAGRAPHSparagraphs n. Plural of paragraph.
PARAGRAPH v. to split up into paragraphs.
SPARAGRASSsparagrass n. Obsolete form of asparagus.
SPARAGRASS n. (dialect) asparagus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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