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There are 7 words containing PUMO

SPUMONEspumone n. Alternative form of spumoni.
SPUMONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONI.
SPUMONIspumoni n. (US) An Italian style of ice cream dessert made with layers of different colors and flavors (typically…
SPUMONI n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONE.
SPUMOUSspumous adj. Frothy or foamy; spumy.
SPUMOUS adj. spumy, full of spume.
ESPUMOSOESPUMOSO n. (Spanish) a sparkling wine.
SPUMONESSPUMONE n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONI.
SPUMONISspumonis n. Plural of spumoni.
SPUMONI n. (Italian) a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy, also SPUMONE.
ESPUMOSOSESPUMOSO n. (Spanish) a sparkling wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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