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There are 17 words containing PUDE

IMPUDENCEimpudence n. The quality of being impudent, not showing due respect.
impudence n. Impudent language, conduct or behavior.
IMPUDENCE n. shameless boldness, also IMPUDENCY.
IMPUDENCESimpudences n. Plural of impudence.
IMPUDENCE n. shameless boldness, also IMPUDENCY.
IMPUDENCIESimpudencies n. Plural of impudency.
IMPUDENCY n. shameless boldness, also IMPUDENCE.
IMPUDENCYimpudency n. (Now rare) Impudence.
IMPUDENCY n. shameless boldness, also IMPUDENCE.
IMPUDENTimpudent adj. Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced.
IMPUDENT adj. insolently disrespectful.
IMPUDENTLYimpudently adv. In an impudent manner; with unbecoming assurance; shamelessly.
IMPUDENT adv. insolently disrespectful.
IMPUDENTNESSimpudentness n. Quality of being impudent.
IMPUDENTNESS n. the state of being impudent.
IMPUDENTNESSESIMPUDENTNESS n. the state of being impudent.
PUDENCIESpudencies n. Plural of pudency.
PUDENCY n. (Shakespeare) modesty, shamefacedness.
PUDENCYpudency n. (Obsolete) Modesty.
PUDENCY n. (Shakespeare) modesty, shamefacedness.
PUDENDApudenda n. Plural of pudendum.
PUDENDUM n. (Latin) the external genital organs of a woman.
PUDENDALpudendal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or near the pudendum.
PUDENDAL adj. pertaining to the pudendum.
PUDENDOUSpudendous adj. Relating to the pudenda.
PUDENDOUS adj. (obsolete) shameful.
PUDENDUMpudendum n. (Usually in the plural) An external genital organ in a human; especially a woman’s vulva.
pudendum n. (In the plural) A person’s genital organ, mons pubis, anus, and buttocks collectively.
pudendum n. (Figuratively) A shameful part of something.
PUDENTPUDENT adj. modest.
PUDEURpudeur n. A sense of modesty or reserve, especially as relating to sexual matters.
PUDEUR n. (French) a sense of shame or embarrassment.
PUDEURSpudeurs n. Plural of pudeur.
PUDEUR n. (French) a sense of shame or embarrassment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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