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There are 9 words containing PSOI

TOPSOILtopsoil n. The most fertile soil, easiest to start new plants in.
topsoil v. (Transitive) To remove the topsoil from.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.
TOPSOILStopsoils n. Plural of topsoil.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.
ELLIPSOIDellipsoid n. (Mathematics, geometry) A surface, all of whose cross sections are elliptic or circular (including the…
ellipsoid n. (Geography) Such a surface used as a model of the shape of the earth.
ellipsoid adj. Shaped like an ellipse; elliptical.
TOPSOILEDtopsoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of topsoil.
TOPSOIL v. to remove the surface layer of soil from.
ELLIPSOIDSellipsoids n. Plural of ellipsoid.
ELLIPSOID n. a solid, all plane sections of which are ellipses or circles.
SHOPSOILEDshopsoiled adj. Alternative form of shop-soiled.
shop-soiled adj. Soiled from display in a shop; shopworn.
SHOPSOILED adj. of goods, having deteriorated through handling in a shop.
TOPSOILINGtopsoiling n. The removal of topsoil before an excavation or embankment is begun.
TOPSOILING n. the act of covering with topsoil.
ELLIPSOIDALellipsoidal adj. Alternative form of ellipsoid.
ellipsoidal adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to an ellipsoid.
ELLIPSOIDAL adj. having the shape of an ellipse.
TOPSOILINGSTOPSOILING n. the act of covering with topsoil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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