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There are 16 words containing PPAG

ESTOPPAGEestoppage n. An act of estopping.
ESTOPPAGE n. the condition of being barred by estoppel.
ESTOPPAGESestoppages n. Plural of estoppage.
ESTOPPAGE n. the condition of being barred by estoppel.
KIPPAGEkippage n. (Chiefly Scotland, now rare, historical) Those sailing together on a ship, both crew and passengers.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) Confusion, disorder.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) A fit of temper; rage.
KIPPAGESkippages n. Plural of kippage.
KIPPAGE n. (Scots) a state of displeasure or anger.
SCRAPPAGEscrappage n. The practice of scrapping something.
scrappage n. (UK) An amount of money paid by the government to a person trading in an old car (to be scrapped) for…
SCRAPPAGE n. allowance for scrap.
SCRAPPAGESscrappages n. Plural of scrappage.
SCRAPPAGE n. allowance for scrap.
SCRIPPAGEscrippage n. (Obsolete) The contents of a scrip, or wallet.
SCRIPPAGE n. the contents of a scrip, or wallet.
SCRIPPAGESSCRIPPAGE n. the contents of a scrip, or wallet.
SLIPPAGEslippage n. The act of slipping, especially from a secure location.
slippage n. The amount by which something has slipped.
slippage n. A lessening of performance or achievement.
SLIPPAGESslippages n. Plural of slippage.
SLIPPAGE n. a falling off from a standard.
STOPPAGEstoppage n. A pause or halt of some activity.
stoppage n. Something that forms an obstacle to continued activity; a blockage or obstruction.
STOPPAGE n. the act of stopping.
STOPPAGESstoppages n. Plural of stoppage.
stoppages n. (UK) Salary deductions.
STOPPAGE n. the act of stopping.
STRIPPAGRAMstrippagram n. Alternative form of stripogram.
STRIPPAGRAM n. a greetings message delivered by a stripper who does a striptease on delivery, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPERGRAM.
STRIPPAGRAMSstrippagrams n. Plural of strippagram.
STRIPPAGRAM n. a greetings message delivered by a stripper who does a striptease on delivery, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPERGRAM.
WRAPPAGEwrappage n. The act of wrapping.
wrappage n. That which wraps; an envelope or covering.
WRAPPAGE n. the act of covering.
WRAPPAGESwrappages n. Plural of wrappage.
WRAPPAGE n. the act of covering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 159 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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