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There are 16 words containing POTR

LIPOTROPYlipotropy n. The condition of being lipotropic.
LIPOTROPY n. the breaking down of fat in the body.
APOTROPAICapotropaic adj. (Religion, mysticism) Intended to ward off evil.
apotropaic n. An agent intended to ward off evil.
APOTROPAIC adj. averting or combating evil.
APOTROPOUSAPOTROPOUS adj. anatropous with a ventral raphe.
LIPOTROPIClipotropic adj. Having an affinity for lipids; lipophilic.
lipotropic adj. (Biochemistry) helping to metabolize lipids.
LIPOTROPIC adj. serving to prevent excessive accumulation of fat in the liver.
LIPOTROPINlipotropin n. (Biochemistry) A pituitary hormone that promotes the metabolism of fat, and is a precursor to the endorphins.
LIPOTROPIN n. a protein hormone of the pituitary gland.
APOTROPAISMapotropaism n. (Religion, mysticism) The use of ritual or other magical means (including charms and/or incantations)…
APOTROPAISM n. a magical practice averting evil.
LIPOTROPIESLIPOTROPY n. the breaking down of fat in the body.
LIPOTROPINSlipotropins n. Plural of lipotropin.
LIPOTROPIN n. a protein hormone of the pituitary gland.
APOTROPAISMSAPOTROPAISM n. a magical practice averting evil.
CALCIPOTRIOLcalcipotriol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic derivative of calcitriol that is used to treat psoriasis.
HYPOTROCHOIDhypotrochoid n. (Geometry) A geometric curve traced by a fixed point on the radius line outside one circle which rotates…
HYPOTROCHOID n. the curve traced by a point on the radius, or radius produced, of a circle rolling within another circle.
CALCIPOTRIENEcalcipotriene n. An antipsoriatic drug.
CALCIPOTRIOLSSorry, definition not available.
HYPOTROCHOIDShypotrochoids n. Plural of hypotrochoid.
HYPOTROCHOID n. the curve traced by a point on the radius, or radius produced, of a circle rolling within another circle.
APOTROPAICALLYapotropaically adv. In an apotropaic manner.
APOTROPAIC adv. averting or combating evil.
CALCIPOTRIENESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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