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There are 17 words containing POTO

ANTHROPOTOMIESanthropotomies n. Plural of anthropotomy.
ANTHROPOTOMY n. human anatomy.
ANTHROPOTOMYanthropotomy n. The anatomy or dissection of the human body; androtomy.
ANTHROPOTOMY n. human anatomy.
COLPOTOMIEScolpotomies n. Plural of colpotomy.
COLPOTOMY n. surgical incision into the wall of the vagina.
COLPOTOMYcolpotomy n. Surgical creation of a hole through the vagina to the rectouterine pouch, using a scalpel incision to drain the fluid.
COLPOTOMY n. surgical incision into the wall of the vagina.
DESPOTOCRACIESdespotocracies n. Plural of despotocracy.
DESPOTOCRACY n. rulership by despots or tyrants.
DESPOTOCRACYdespotocracy n. Government by a despot.
DESPOTOCRACY n. rulership by despots or tyrants.
HYPOTONIAhypotonia n. An abnormal loss of muscle tone.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
HYPOTONIAShypotonias n. Plural of hypotonia.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
HYPOTONIChypotonic adj. (Of a solution) Having a lower osmotic pressure than another.
hypotonic adj. (Medicine) Showing less than normal tension in the muscles or muscle tissue.
HYPOTONIC adj. of muscles, lacking normal tone.
HYPOTONICITIEShypotonicities n. Plural of hypotonicity.
HYPOTONICITY n. the state of being hypotonic.
HYPOTONICITYhypotonicity n. The quality of being hypotonic.
HYPOTONICITY n. the state of being hypotonic.
POTOMETERpotometer n. A device used for measuring the rate of water uptake of a leafy shoot due to photosynthesis and transpiration.
POTOMETER n. an instrument measuring the rate at which plants absorb water.
POTOMETERSpotometers n. Plural of potometer.
POTOMETER n. an instrument measuring the rate at which plants absorb water.
POTOOpotoo n. (Birds) Any species of the genus Nyctibius related to the nightjars (same order Caprimulgiformes), and…
POTOO n. a kind of bird, a large South American goatsucker.
POTOOSpotoos n. Plural of potoo.
POTOO n. a kind of bird, a large South American goatsucker.
POTOROOpotoroo n. Any species of the genus Potorous of the rat kangaroo family Potoroidae, endemic to Australia.
POTOROO n. (Native Australian) a kind of small kangaroo, aka kangaroo rat.
POTOROOSpotoroos n. Plural of potoroo.
POTOROO n. (Native Australian) a kind of small kangaroo, aka kangaroo rat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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