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There are 14 words containing PLEE

SPLEENspleen n. (Anatomy, immunology) In vertebrates, including humans, a ductless vascular gland, located in the left…
spleen n. (Archaic, except in the set phrase "to vent one’s spleen") A bad mood; spitefulness.
spleen n. (Obsolete, rare) A sudden motion or action; a fit; a freak; a whim.
SPLEENFULspleenful adj. Full of spleen; spiteful.
spleenful n. A quantity of invective.
spleenful n. More than one can take.
SPLEENFULLYspleenfully adv. In a spleenful manner; spitefully.
SPLEENFUL adv. affected with spleen, fretful, also SPLEENISH.
SPLEENIERSPLEENY adj. (Shakespeare) irritable; peevish.
SPLEENIESTSPLEENY adj. (Shakespeare) irritable; peevish.
SPLEENISHspleenish adj. Affected with spleen; fretful.
SPLEENISH adj. affected with spleen; fretful, also SPLEENFUL.
SPLEENLESSspleenless adj. Lacking a spleen.
SPLEENLESS adj. having no spleen; hence kind, mild.
SPLEENLIKEspleenlike adj. (Anatomy) Resembling the spleen; splenoid.
SPLEENLIKE adj. like a spleen.
SPLEENSspleens n. Plural of spleen.
SPLEEN n. a ductless organ of the body.
SPLEENSTONEspleen␣stone n. (Archaic) A jade or nephrite stone.
SPLEENSTONE n. (obsolete) jade.
SPLEENSTONESspleen␣stones n. Plural of spleen stone.
SPLEENSTONE n. (obsolete) jade.
SPLEENWORTspleenwort n. Any of a number of types of ferns in the genus Asplenium.
SPLEENWORT n. any fern of the genus Asplenium, some species of which were anciently used as remedies for disorders of the spleen.
SPLEENWORTSspleenworts n. Plural of spleenwort.
SPLEENWORT n. any fern of the genus Asplenium, some species of which were anciently used as remedies for disorders of the spleen.
SPLEENYspleeny adj. Full of spleen; melancholy.
SPLEENY adj. (Shakespeare) irritable; peevish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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