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There are 17 words containing PIZO

EPIZOAepizoa n. Plural of epizoon.
EPIZOON n. an animal that lives on the surface of another, esp. as a parasite, also EPIZOAN.
EPIZOANepizoan n. Alternative form of epizoon.
EPIZOAN n. an animal that lives on the surface of another, esp. as a parasite, also EPIZOON.
EPIZOICepizoic adj. (Biology, of a microorganism) Growing on the surface of an animal host, as…
EPIZOIC adj. living on the body of an animal.
EPIZOONepizoon n. (Biology) A microorganism (such as a yeast-type fungus or a protozoon) that grows on the surface of…
epizoön n. Alternative form of epizoon.
EPIZOON n. an animal that lives on the surface of another, esp. as a parasite, also EPIZOAN.
EPIZOANSepizoans n. Plural of epizoan.
EPIZOAN n. an animal that lives on the surface of another, esp. as a parasite, also EPIZOON.
EPIZOISMepizoism n. The condition of being epizoic.
EPIZOISM n. the state of being epizoic, living on the outside of an animal.
EPIZOITEepizoite n. Any epizoic organism.
EPIZOITE n. an epizoic organism.
EPIZOOTYepizooty n. An epizootic disease or outbreak.
EPIZOOTY n. a type of animal disease.
EPIZOISMSEPIZOISM n. the state of being epizoic, living on the outside of an animal.
EPIZOITESepizoites n. Plural of epizoite.
EPIZOITE n. an epizoic organism.
EPIZOOTICepizootic n. (Epidemiology) An occurrence of a disease or disorder in a population of non-human animals at a frequency…
epizootic n. A particular epizootic disease.
epizootic n. (Dialectal, humorous, often in the plural) A disease or ailment (of humans).
EPIZOOTICSepizootics n. Plural of epizootic.
epizoötics n. Plural of epizoötic.
EPIZOOTIC n. an epizootic disease.
EPIZOOTIESepizooties n. Plural of epizooty.
EPIZOOTY n. a type of animal disease.
EPIZOOTICALLYepizootically adv. In the manner of an epizootic; in a way that affects a particular species or range of species.
epizootically adv. Regarding epizootics; in the context of the study of epizootics.
EPIZOOTIC adv. of a disease, affecting many animals of one kind at the same time.
EPIZOOTIOLOGYepizootiology n. The study of the dynamics and epidemiology of animal diseases.
EPIZOOTIOLOGY n. the sum of the factors controlling the occurrence of a disease or pathogen of animals.
EPIZOOTIOLOGICepizootiologic adj. Relating to epizootiology.
EPIZOOTIOLOGIC adj. relating to epizootiology.
EPIZOOTIOLOGIESEPIZOOTIOLOGY n. the sum of the factors controlling the occurrence of a disease or pathogen of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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