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There are 11 words containing PITR

ACCIPITRALaccipitral adj. Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a falcon or hawk; hawklike.
ACCIPITRAL adj. like an accipiter, a bird belonging to the Accipiter genus of hawks.
ACCIPITRINEaccipitrine n. A hawk or a hawk-like bird.
accipitrine adj. (Ornithology) Like or belonging to the Accipitres; raptorial; hawklike.
ACCIPITRINE adj. relating to the bird family Accipitridae, which includes hawks.
ACCIPITRINESaccipitrines n. Plural of accipitrine.
ACCIPITRINE n. a member of the hawk family.
EPITRACHELIONepitrachelion n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) The liturgical vestment worn by priests and bishops of the Eastern Orthodox Church…
EPITRACHELION n. the stole of an Orthodox priest or bishop.
EPITRACHELIONSepitrachelions n. Plural of epitrachelion.
EPITRACHELION n. the stole of an Orthodox priest or bishop.
EPITRITEepitrite n. (Poetry, Ancient Greek and Latin prosody) A metrical foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.
EPITRITE n. a metrical foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.
EPITRITESepitrites n. Plural of epitrite.
EPITRITE n. a metrical foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.
EPITROCHOIDepitrochoid n. A geometric curve traced by a fixed point on one circle which rotates around the perimeter of another…
EPITROCHOID n. a curve like an epicycloid but generated by any point on a radius.
EPITROCHOIDSepitrochoids n. Plural of epitrochoid.
EPITROCHOID n. a curve like an epicycloid but generated by any point on a radius.
PULPITRYpulpitry n. (Obsolete) The teachings of the pulpit; preaching.
PULPITRY n. sermonizing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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