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There are 20 words containing PICS

PICSpics n. Plural of pic.
PICs n. Plural of PIC.
PICS prop.n. (Internet) Platform for Internet Content Selection: a former technology for protecting children from…
EPICSepics n. Plural of epic.
EPIC n. a long narrative poem.
ASPICSaspics n. Plural of aspic.
ASPIC n. a clear savoury meat or fish-jelly used as a glaze, also ASPIS.
TOPICStopics n. Plural of topic.
TOPIC n. a subject of discourse.
BIOPICSbiopics n. Plural of biopic.
BIOPIC n. a film telling the life-story of a celebrity.
MYOPICSmyopics n. Plural of myopic.
MYOPIC n. a shortsighted person.
TROPICStropics n. Plural of tropic.
tropics n. (Geography) The region of the Earth centred on the equator and lying between the Tropic of Cancer and…
Tropics n. Plural of Tropic.
OLYMPICSOlympics prop.n. The Olympic Games.
OLYMPICS n. an International competition in chess etc.
TELEPICStelepics n. Plural of telepic.
TELEPIC n. a feature-length motion picture made for TV.
SUBTOPICSsubtopics n. Plural of subtopic.
SUBTOPIC n. a secondary topic.
NEOTROPICSneotropics n. Tropical America: the tropical areas of North, Central and South America; the tropics of the New World.
Neotropics n. Alternative spelling of neotropics.
NEOTROPICS n. the tropics of the New World, Central America.
NOOTROPICSnootropics n. Plural of nootropic.
NOOTROPIC n. a nootropic drug.
PHILIPPICSphilippics n. Plural of philippic.
PHILIPPIC n. a bitter condemnation, usually in a speech.
SUBTROPICSsubtropics n. The region between the tropics and the temperate latitudes of the world.
SUBTROPIC n. a subtropical region.
GYROSCOPICSGYROSCOPICS n. the science of the gyroscope.
PARALYMPICSParalympics prop.n. (Sports) Synonym of Paralympic Games (“an international sports competition participated in by sportspeople…
PARALYMPICS n. an Olympic games for sportspeople with physical disabilities.
PRESBYOPICSpresbyopics n. Plural of presbyopic.
PRESBYOPIC n. someone with presbyopia.
SEMITROPICSsemitropics n. The semitropical regions.
SEMITROPIC n. a somewhat tropical region.
PSYCHOTROPICSpsychotropics n. Plural of psychotropic.
PSYCHOTROPIC n. a drug acting on the mind.
THERMOTROPICSTHERMOTROPIC n. a thermotropic plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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