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There are 13 words containing PEPE

OPEPEopepe n. Synonym of bilinga (tropical hardwood).
OPEPE n. (Yoruba) a West African tree yielding a hard yellowish wood used as a substitute for teak.
OPEPESOPEPE n. (Yoruba) a West African tree yielding a hard yellowish wood used as a substitute for teak.
PEPERINOpeperino n. (Geology) A light, porous volcanic rock composed of small grains of sand etc.
PEPERINO n. (Italian) a type of volcanic rock, formed by the cementing together of sand, scoria, cinders, etc.
PEPERONIPEPERONI n. (Italian) a highly seasoned sausage.
PEPERINOSpeperinos n. Plural of peperino.
PEPERINO n. (Italian) a type of volcanic rock, formed by the cementing together of sand, scoria, cinders, etc.
PEPEROMIApeperomia n. Any plant of the genus Peperomia, some of which are popular houseplants.
Peperomia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Piperaceae – pepper-like herbaceous perennials.
PEPEROMIA n. a genus of subtropical herbaceous plants.
PEPERONISPEPERONI n. (Italian) a highly seasoned sausage.
PEPEROMIASpeperomias n. Plural of peperomia.
PEPEROMIA n. a genus of subtropical herbaceous plants.
PEPERONCINIpeperoncini n. A spicy variety of pepper used in Greek and Italian cuisine.
PEPERONCINOpeperoncino n. A variety of the pepper Capsicum annuum.
SCRAPEPENNYscrape-penny n. (Archaic) A miser.
SCRAPEPENNY n. (archaic) a miser, a skinflint.
PEPERONCINISSorry, definition not available.
SCRAPEPENNIESscrape-pennies n. Plural of scrape-penny.
SCRAPEPENNY n. (archaic) a miser, a skinflint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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