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There are 17 words containing PEEL

PEELpeel v. (Transitive) To remove the skin or outer covering of.
peel v. (Transitive) To remove something from the outer or top layer of.
peel v. (Intransitive) To become detached, come away, especially in flakes or strips; to shed skin in such a way.
PEELABLEpeelable adj. Capable of being peeled.
PEELABLE adj. able to be peeled.
PEELEDpeeled adj. With the outermost layer or skin removed.
peeled adj. (Bodybuilding) Dieted down such as having attained a peak contrast of trained muscle volume.
peeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of peel.
PEELERpeeler n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, slang) A police officer.
peeler n. One who peels.
peeler n. A device for peeling fruit or vegetables.
PEELERSpeelers n. Plural of peeler.
Peelers prop.n. Plural of Peeler.
PEELER n. (colloquial) a policeman.
PEELGARLICPEELGARLIC n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PILGARLIC, PILGARLICK.
PEELGARLICSPEELGARLIC n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PILGARLIC, PILGARLICK.
PEELINGpeeling n. The act of removing the outer surface in strips.
peeling n. Strips of an outer rind or surface that has been removed.
peeling v. Present participle of peel.
PEELINGSpeelings n. Plural of peeling.
PEELING n. a piece or strip that has been peeled off.
PEELSpeels n. Plural of peel.
peels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of peel.
PEEL v. to remove the outer covering of a fruit.
SPEELspeel v. (Dialect, Scottish and Northern English) To climb.
speel v. To talk at length, to spiel.
speel v. (Dialect, Australia) To run.
SPEELEDspeeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of speel.
SPEEL v. (Scots) to climb, also SPEIL.
SPEELERSPEELER n. a climber (originally an acrobat, a performer).
SPEELERSSPEELER n. a climber (originally an acrobat, a performer).
SPEELINGspeeling v. Present participle of speel.
SPEEL v. (Scots) to climb, also SPEIL.
SPEELSspeels n. Plural of speel.
speels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of speel.
SPEEL v. (Scots) to climb, also SPEIL.
UNPEELEDunpeeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpeel.
unpeeled adj. Not peeled.
UNPEELED adj. not peeled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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