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There are 11 words containing PAPU

PAPULApapula n. (Medicine) A pimple; a small, usually conical, elevation of the cuticle, produced by congestion, accumulated…
papula n. (Zoology) One of the numerous small hollow processes of the integument between the plates of starfishes.
PAPULA n. (Latin) a pimple, also PAPULE.
PAPULAEpapulae n. Plural of papula.
PAPULA n. (Latin) a pimple, also PAPULE.
PAPULARpapular adj. Of a shape similar to a papule.
papular adj. Consisting of papules; characterized by the presence of papules.
PAPULAR adj. pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of papules or pimples.
PAPULASPAPULA n. (Latin) a pimple, also PAPULE.
PAPULATIONpapulation n. (Medicine) The formation of papules.
PAPULATION n. the development of papillae or pimples.
PAPULATIONSpapulations n. Plural of papulation.
PAPULATION n. the development of papillae or pimples.
PAPULEpapule n. A small, inflammatory, irritated spot on the skin, similar in appearance to a pimple, but not containing pus.
PAPULE n. a pimple, also PAPULA.
PAPULESpapules n. Plural of papule.
PAPULE n. a pimple, also PAPULA.
PAPULIFEROUSpapuliferous adj. Pimply; covered with papulae.
PAPULIFEROUS adj. pimply.
PAPULOSEpapulose adj. (Anatomy, botany) Having papulae; papillose.
PAPULOSE adj. having pimples, also PAPULOUS.
PAPULOUSpapulous adj. Papulose.
PAPULOUS adj. having pimples, also PAPULOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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