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There are 9 words containing PANP

PANPIPEpanpipe n. A set of panpipes.
pan␣pipe n. Alternative spelling of panpipe.
PANPIPE n. a musical instrument.
PANPIPESpanpipes n. (Music) An instrument consisting of a series of ten or more tubes of different lengths, typically closed…
pan-pipes n. Alternative spelling of panpipes.
pan␣pipes n. Alternative form of panpipes.
PANPSYCHISMpanpsychism n. (Philosophy, metaphysics, uncountable) The doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect.
panpsychism n. (Philosophy, metaphysics, countable) Any specific doctrine or system of panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISM n. the theory that all nature has a psychic side.
PANPSYCHISTpanpsychist adj. Pertaining to, or in accordance with, the doctrine of panpsychism.
panpsychist n. A proponent of panpsychism.
PANPSYCHIST n. a believer in panpsychism.
PANPHARMACONpanpharmacon n. (Dated) A medicine for all diseases; a panacea.
PANPHARMACON n. a universal remedy.
PANPSYCHISMSpanpsychisms n. Plural of panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISM n. the theory that all nature has a psychic side.
PANPSYCHISTSpanpsychists n. Plural of panpsychist.
PANPSYCHIST n. a believer in panpsychism.
PANPHARMACONSpanpharmacons n. Plural of panpharmacon.
PANPHARMACON n. a universal remedy.
PANPSYCHISTICpanpsychistic adj. Relating to panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISTIC adj. relating to panpsychism, the theory that all nature has a psychic side.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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