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There are 16 words containing PAID

APAIDapaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of apay.
APAY v. to satisfy, also APPAY.
APPAIDAPPAY v. to satisfy, also APAY.
NONPAIDnonpaid adj. For which no payment is levied.
NONPAID adj. not paid.
OVERPAIDoverpaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of overpay.
OVERPAY v. to pay too much.
PAIDpaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of pay.
paid adj. That is not free of charge; that costs money.
paid adj. (Slang) Rich, wealthy.
PAIDEUTICpaideutic adj. Relating to paideutics.
PAIDEUTIC adj. relating to paideutics, the science or art of teaching, also PAEDEUTIC.
PAIDEUTICSpaideutics n. (Dated) The science or art of teaching.
PAIDEUTICS n. educational method or theory, also PAEDEUTICS.
PAIDLEPAIDLE n. (Scots) a fish, aka lumpsucker, also PADLE.
PAIDLESPAIDLE n. (Scots) a fish, aka lumpsucker, also PADLE.
POSTPAIDpostpaid adj. (Postage) already paid or included in price.
postpaid adj. Paid after the service (used especially of cellular phones).
post-paid adj. Alternative spelling of postpaid.
PREPAIDprepaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of prepay.
prepaid adj. Paid for in advance.
PREPAY v. to pay in advance.
REPAIDrepaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of repay.
REPAY v. to pay back.
TAXPAIDtaxpaid adj. On which tax has been paid.
TAXPAID adj. paid for by taxes.
UNDERPAIDunderpaid adj. Getting too little financial compensation for one’s work.
UNDERPAY v. to pay less than is deserved.
UNPAIDunpaid adj. Not paid for.
unpaid adj. Of work: done without agreed payment, usually voluntarily.
UNPAY v. to make good, do away by payment.
UNREPAIDunrepaid adj. (Of a loan etc.) not yet repaid.
UNREPAID adj. not repaid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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