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There are 17 words containing PABI

CAPABILITIEScapabilities n. Plural of capability.
CAPABILITY n. the state of being capable.
CAPABILITYcapability n. The power or ability to generate an outcome.
capability n. (Computing) A digital token allowing a user or process to interact in a specified way with an object…
CAPABILITY n. the state of being capable.
CULPABILITIESculpabilities n. Plural of culpability.
CULPABILITY n. the state of being culpable.
CULPABILITYculpability n. The degree of one’s blameworthiness in the commission of a crime or offence.
CULPABILITY n. the state of being culpable.
DRAPABILITIESdrapabilities n. Plural of drapability.
DRAPABILITY n. the state of being drapable, also DRAPEABILITY.
DRAPABILITYdrapability n. The degree to which a fabric can be draped.
DRAPABILITY n. the state of being drapable, also DRAPEABILITY.
DUPABILITIESDUPABILITY n. the ability to be duped.
DUPABILITYdupability n. The quality of being dupable.
DUPABILITY n. the ability to be duped.
IMPALPABILITIESimpalpabilities n. Plural of impalpability.
IMPALPABILITY n. the state of being impalpable.
IMPALPABILITYimpalpability n. The quality of being impalpable; intangibility.
IMPALPABILITY n. the state of being impalpable.
INCAPABILITIESincapabilities n. Plural of incapability.
INCAPABILITY n. the state of being incapable.
INCAPABILITYincapability n. The condition of being incapable.
INCAPABILITY n. the state of being incapable.
INCULPABILITIESINCULPABILITY n. the quality of being inculpable.
INCULPABILITYinculpability n. Lack of culpability; freedom from blame.
INCULPABILITY n. the quality of being inculpable.
PALPABILITIESpalpabilities n. Plural of palpability.
PALPABILITY n. the quality of being palpable.
PALPABILITYpalpability n. The quality of being palpable.
PALPABILITY n. the quality of being palpable.
UNFLAPPABILITYunflappability n. The state of being unflappable.
UNFLAPPABILITY n. the state of being unflappable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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