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There are 13 nine-letter words containing PODI

APODICTICapodictic adj. Incontrovertible; demonstrably true or certain.
apodictic adj. Being a style of argument in which a person presents their reasoning as categorically true, even if…
apodictic adj. (Theology, Biblical studies) Absolute and without explanation, as in a command from God like "Thou shalt not kill!".
EXOPODITEexopodite n. (Zoology) The external part of the uropod.
EXOPODITE n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPOD.
FILOPODIAfilopodia n. Plural of filopodium.
FILOPODIUM n. a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm.
HEXAPODICHEXAPODIC adj. of a line or verse, having six feet.
MONOPODIAmonopodia n. Plural of monopodium.
MONOPODIA n. a physical deformity in which the lower limbs appear to be fused together.
OCTAPODICOCTAPODIC adj. of a verse line, having eight feet.
PARAPODIAparapodia n. Plural of parapodium.
PARAPODIUM n. a jointless muscular lateral appendage occurring in pairs in polychaete worms.
PODIATRICpodiatric adj. Of or pertaining to podiatry, the medical specialty concerned with the foot.
PODIATRIC adj. relating to care of the feet.
PODIUMINGpodiuming v. Present participle of podium.
PODIUM v. to win a place on the victors' podium by finishing in the leading places in a sporting competition.
SAPODILLAsapodilla n. A long-lived evergreen tree, Manilkara zapota, native to the New World tropics, or its edible fruit.
SAPODILLA n. (Spanish) the edible fruit of a Mexican tree, also SAPOTA, SAPOTE, ZAPOTILLA.
SYMPODIALsympodial adj. (Botany) Having a specialized lateral growth pattern in which the apical meristem is terminated.
SYMPODIAL adj. relating to a sympodium, a stem involved in sympodial growth.
SYMPODIUMsympodium n. (Botany) A pattern of branching, similar to dichotomous branching, where the axis or stem is morphologically…
SYMPODIUM n. a stem involved in sympodial growth.
TRIPODIEStripodies n. Plural of tripody.
TRIPODY n. (Greek) a verse of three metrical feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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