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There are 20 nine-letter words containing PANE

CAMPANEROcampanero n. The bellbird of South America.
CAMPANERO n. (Spanish) the bellbird of South America.
EMPANELEDempaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
IMPANELEDimpaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
JAMPANEESjampanees n. Plural of jampanee.
JAMPANEE n. (Bengali) an Indian sedan chair bearer, also JAMPANI.
MARCHPANEmarchpane n. Obsolete form of marzipan.
MARCHPANE n. (Italian) an old name for marzipan, a confection of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar.
PANEGOISMpanegoism n. Solipsism.
PANEGOISM n. solipsism.
PANEGYRICpanegyric n. A formal speech publicly praising someone or something.
panegyric n. Someone who writes or delivers such a speech.
panegyric adj. Panegyrical.
PANEITIESPANEITY n. the state of being bread.
PANELINGSpanelings n. Plural of paneling.
PANELING n. material with which to panel, also PANELLING.
PANELISEDPANELISED adj. made in sections for quick assembly, also PANELIZED, PANELLISED, PANELLIZED.
PANELISTSpanelists n. Plural of panelist.
PANELIST n. one who serves on a panel, also PANELLIST.
PANELIZEDpanelized adj. Split into a group of panels for convenient assembly.
PANELIZED adj. made in sections for quick assembly, also PANELISED, PANELLISED, PANELLIZED.
PANELLINGpanelling n. (British spelling) The panels with which a surface (especially an indoor wall) is covered, considered collectively.
panelling v. Present participle of panel.
PANELLING n. material with which to panel, also PANELING.
PANELLISTpanellist n. (British spelling, Canadian spelling) A person who appears on a panel, either as a member of a committee…
PANELLIST n. one who serves on a panel, also PANELIST.
PANETELASpanetelas n. Plural of panetela.
PANETELA n. (Spanish) a long thin cigar, also PANATELA, PANATELLA, PANETELLA.
PANETTONEpanettone n. A soft Italian sourdough brioche from Milan, with candied fruit, usually prepared for Christmas as a dessert.
PANETTONE n. (Italian) a kind of spiced cake, usually made with sultanas.
PANETTONIpanettoni n. Plural of panettone.
PANETTONE n. (Italian) a kind of spiced cake, usually made with sultanas.
REPANELEDrepaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of repanel.
REPANEL v. to panel again.
SUBPANELSsubpanels n. Plural of subpanel.
SUBPANEL n. a subdivision of a panel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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