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There are 18 nine-letter words containing PADE

CROUPADEScroupades n. Plural of croupade.
CROUPADE n. (French) in dressage, a leap in which the horse draws its hind legs up towards its belly.
ESCAPADESescapades n. Plural of escapade.
ESCAPADE n. a reckless adventure.
ESTRAPADEestrapade n. The rearing, plunging, and kicking actions of a horse trying to get rid of its rider.
ESTRAPADE n. (French) a horse's attempt to throw its rider.
GALLOPADEgallopade n. (Obsolete) gallop.
gallopade n. A type of dance, also known as the galop.
gallopade n. The music for this kind of dance.
GALOPADESGALOPADE n. (French) a lively ballroom dance, also GALLOPADE.
PADEMELONpademelon n. Any species of the genus Thylogale of small macropods.
pademelon n. Alternative form of paddymelon (“the plant”).
PADEMELON n. (Native Australian) any of several small wallabies, also PADDYMELON, PADYMELON.
PADEREROSpadereros n. Plural of paderero.
PADERERO n. (Spanish) a type of old gun, also PEDRERO, PATERERO, PEDERERO.
SEXCAPADEsexcapade n. (Humorous) A sexual escapade; an incident or story involving sex.
SEXCAPADE n. a sexual escapade.
SPADEFEETspadefeet n. Plural of spadefoot.
spade-feet n. Plural of spade-foot.
spade␣feet n. Plural of spade foot.
SPADEFISHspadefish n. Any of several marine fish of the family Ephippidae.
spadefish n. Polyodon spathula, the paddlefish.
SPADEFISH n. a fish, a member of the sturgeon family, aka paddlefish.
SPADEFOOTspadefoot n. Any member of several groups of burrowing toads, with a spadelike appendage on the hind legs.
spade-foot n. Alternative form of spadefoot.
spade␣foot n. Alternative form of spadefoot.
SPADEFULSspadefuls n. Plural of spadeful.
SPADEFUL n. as much as a spade can hold.
SPADELIKEspadelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a spade.
SPADELIKE adj. like a spade.
SPADESMANspadesman n. A man who uses a spade or shovel.
SPADESMAN n. a worker with the spade.
SPADESMENspadesmen n. Plural of spadesman.
SPADESMAN n. a worker with the spade.
SPADEWORKspadework n. Work done by digging with a spade.
spadework n. (Figuratively) Work done in preparation for something else.
SPADEWORK n. preparatory drudgery.
TAPADERAStapaderas n. Plural of tapadera.
TAPADERA n. (Spanish) the leather guard in front of a Mexican stirrup, also TAPADERO.
TAPADEROStapaderos n. Plural of tapadero.
TAPADERO n. (Spanish) the leather guard in front of a Mexican stirrup, also TAPADERA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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