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There are 19 nine-letter words containing PACI

CAPACIOUScapacious adj. Having a lot of space inside; roomy.
CAPACIOUS adj. roomy.
CAPACITORcapacitor n. (Electronics) An electronic component capable of storing electrical energy in an electric field; especially…
CAPACITOR n. an electrical device capable of storing electric charge.
DISPACINGdispacing v. Present participle of dispace.
DISPACE v. (Spenser) to range about.
MYSPACINGmyspacing v. Present participle of myspace.
MYSPACE v. to search for a person's space on the MySpace website.
OPACIFIEDopacified v. Simple past tense and past participle of opacify.
OPACIFY v. to make opaque.
OPACIFIERopacifier n. (Chemistry) a chemical agent added to a material, such as rocket propellant, to make it opaque.
opacifier n. (Figuratively) an extraneous agent or vehicle which, intentionally otherwise, makes something opaque.
OPACIFIER n. something that opacifies.
OPACIFIESopacifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of opacify.
OPACIFY v. to make opaque.
OPACITIESopacities n. Plural of opacity.
OPACITY n. something that is opaque.
OUTPACINGoutpacing v. Present participle of outpace.
OUTPACE v. to move faster than.
PACIFICAEPACIFICAE n. letters recommending the bearer as being at peace with the Church, aka letters pacifical.
PACIFICALpacifical adj. Alternative form of pacific.
PACIFICAL adj. pacific, esp. in Letters pacifical, letters recommending the bearer as being one at peace with the church.
PACIFIERSpacifiers n. Plural of pacifier.
PACIFIER n. something that pacifies e.g. a child's dummy.
PACIFISMSpacifisms n. Plural of pacifism.
PACIFISM n. opposition to war or violence, also PACIFICISM.
PACIFISTSpacifists n. Plural of pacifist.
PACIFIST n. an advocate of pacifism.
PACIFYINGpacifying v. Present participle of pacify.
PACIFY v. to make peaceful.
RAPACIOUSrapacious adj. (Also figurative) Voracious; avaricious.
rapacious adj. Given to taking by force or plundering; aggressively greedy.
rapacious adj. (Of an animal, usually a bird) Subsisting off live prey.
RESPACINGrespacing v. Present participle of respace.
respacing n. Spacing again, or by a different amount.
RESPACE v. to provide new spacing.
SPACIALLYspacially adv. Archaic form of spatially.
SPACIAL adv. pertaining to space, also SPATIAL.
SPACINESSspaciness n. The state or quality of being spacy.
SPACINESS n. the state of being spacy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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