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There are 13 eight-letter words containing PROD

PRODDERSprodders n. Plural of prodder.
PRODDER n. one who prods.
PRODDINGprodding v. Present participle of prod.
prodding n. The act of giving a prod.
PRODDING n. the act of poking.
PRODIGALprodigal adj. Wastefully extravagant.
prodigal adj. (Often followed by of or with) Yielding profusely, lavish.
prodigal adj. Profuse, lavishly abundant.
PRODITORproditor n. (Obsolete) A traitor.
PRODITOR n. (Latin) a traitor.
PRODNOSEprodnose n. (Slang) Synonym of busybody.
prodnose v. (Slang) To meddle; to interfere where one is unwelcome.
PRODNOSE n. an inquisitive person.
PRODROMAprodroma n. (Medicine) Alternative form of prodrome.
PRODROMA n. (Greek) any symptom that signals the impending onset of a disease, also PRODROME, PRODROMUS.
PRODROMEprodrome n. (Rare) A precursor or harbinger; also a warning event.
prodrome n. An introductory or preliminary book or treatise.
prodrome n. (Medicine) An early sign or symptom (or set of signs and symptoms) warning of the onset of a disease.
PRODROMIprodromi n. Plural of prodromus.
PRODROMUS n. a prefatory work; an initial symptom of a disease, also PRODROMA, PRODROME.
PRODRUGSprodrugs n. Plural of prodrug.
PRODRUG n. an inactive chemical substance that becomes an active drug in the body.
PRODUCEDproduced v. Simple past tense and past participle of produce.
PRODUCE v. to bring into existence.
PRODUCERproducer n. (Economics) An individual or organization that creates goods and services.
producer n. One who produces an artistic production, such as an album, a theater production, a film, a TV program…
producer n. (Biology) An organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple molecules and an external source of energy.
PRODUCESproduces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of produce.
PRODUCE v. to bring into existence.
PRODUCTSproducts n. Plural of product.
PRODUCT n. something produced by labour or effort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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