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There are 16 eight-letter words containing POND

DESPONDSdesponds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of despond.
DESPOND v. to lose heart.
DUPONDIIdupondii n. Plural of dupondius.
DUPONDIUS n. an old Roman coin.
FISHPONDfishpond n. A freshwater pond stocked with fish; especially one formerly attached to a monastery etc as a source of food.
fish-pond n. Alternative spelling of fishpond.
fish␣pond n. Alternative spelling of fishpond.
HEADPONDHEADPOND n. a pond created behind a dam.
KILOPONDkilopond n. A gravitational metric unit of force equal to the magnitude of the force exerted by a mass off one kilogram…
KILOPOND n. a unit of measurement equal to the gravitational force on a mass of one kilogram.
MILLPONDmillpond n. A pond or reservoir produced by damming a river or stream in order to provide a steady source of water for a millrace.
MILLPOND n. a pool formed by damming a stream to provide water to turn a millwheel.
PONDAGESpondages n. Plural of pondage.
PONDAGE n. the capacity of a pond.
PONDERALponderal adj. Pertaining to weight.
PONDERAL adj. pertaining to weight.
PONDEREDpondered v. Simple past tense and past participle of ponder.
PONDER v. to consider deeply.
PONDERERponderer n. A person who ponders; a thinker.
PONDERER n. one who ponders.
PONDWEEDpondweed n. Any of several plants that grow in ponds or similar aquatic conditions…
pondweed n. Charales, an order of green algae.
PONDWEED n. an aquatic plant.
RESPONDSresponds n. Plural of respond.
responds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of respond.
RESPOND v. to say or act in return.
SPONDAICspondaic adj. (Poetry) Having or relating to spondees.
SPONDAIC adj. or of pertaining to a spondee, also SPONDAICAL.
SPONDAIC n. a spondee.
SPONDEESspondees n. Plural of spondee.
SPONDEE n. (Greek) a type of metrical foot, also SPONDAIC.
SPONDYLSspondyls n. Plural of spondyl.
SPONDYL n. (Greek) a vertebra; a thorny oyster.
STEWPONDstewpond n. Synonym of stew (“a pool in which fish are kept in preparation for eating”).
stew␣pond n. Alternative form of stewpond.
STEWPOND n. a fish pond.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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