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There are 19 eight-letter words containing PLER

COUPLERScouplers n. Plural of coupler.
COUPLER n. someone who or something which couples or unites.
CRIPPLERcrippler n. A person who, or thing which cripples.
crippler n. A corrugated board used to grain leather.
CRIPPLER n. one that cripples; (slang) something astonishingly good.
FRAMPLERFRAMPLER n. (Scott) a brawler.
GRAPPLERgrappler n. One who grapples.
grappler n. A wrestler; one who fights by wrestling.
GRAPPLER n. one who grapples.
HOPPLERSHOPPLER n. one who hopples.
PEOPLERSpeoplers n. Plural of peopler.
PEOPLER n. a settler; an inhabitant.
PLERIONSplerions n. Plural of plerion.
PLERION n. a supernova remnant emitting radiation from both centre and shell.
PLEROMASpleromas n. Plural of pleroma.
PLEROMA n. (Greek) fullness, abundance; in Gnosticism, divine being.
PLEROMESPLEROME n. (Greek) part of a plant responsible for growth.
RIPPLERSripplers n. Plural of rippler.
RIPPLER n. a toothed tool for cleaning waxed fibre.
SAMPLERSsamplers n. Plural of sampler.
SAMPLER n. one that samples.
SAMPLERYsamplery n. The production of samplers (ornamental needlework).
SAMPLERY n. sample work.
SCRUPLERscrupler n. One who scruples.
SCRUPLER n. one who has scruples.
SIMPLERSsimplers n. Plural of simpler.
SIMPLER n. (archaic) one skilled in simples, or medicinal plants, also SIMPLIST.
STAPLERSstaplers n. Plural of stapler.
STAPLER n. a stapling machine.
STIPPLERstippler n. An artist who uses the technique of stippling.
stippler n. A brush with a spongy circle of soft bristles.
STIPPLER n. one who stipples.
TIPPLERStipplers n. Plural of tippler.
TIPPLER n. one who tipples, drinks alcohol constantly in small quantities.
TRAMPLERtrampler n. One who tramples.
TRAMPLER n. one who tramples.
TRIPPLERTRIPPLER n. (South African) a horse that tripples, proceeds at a pace between a walk and a trot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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