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There are 15 eight-letter words containing PHAL

ASPHALTSasphalts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of asphalt.
ASPHALT v. to coat with a bituminous pitch.
CALIPHALcaliphal adj. Of or relating to a caliph or a caliphate.
CALIPHAL adj. (Arabic) relating to a caliph.
CEPHALADcephalad adv. (Anatomy) Towards the head (or anterior extremity), a direction that in humans corresponds to superior.
CEPHALAD adv. towards the head.
CEPHALICcephalic adj. Of or relating to the head.
cephalic adj. (Anatomical terms of location and direction) Toward the head; in bipeds such as humans, this direction…
cephalic adj. Headlike; cephaloid.
CEPHALINcephalin n. (Biochemistry) A phospholipid found particularly in the cells of nervous tissue; it is also the primary…
CEPHALIN n. a compound of phosphorus found in the brain and nervous tissue, also KEPHALIN.
KEPHALICkephalic adj. Dated form of cephalic.
KEPHALIC n. a headache remedy, also CEPHALIC.
KEPHALINkephalin n. Alternative spelling of cephalin.
KEPHALIN n. a compound of phosphorus found in the brain and nervous tissue, also CEPHALIN.
OMPHALIComphalic adj. Of or pertaining to the umbilicus, or navel.
OMPHALIC adj. pertaining to the navel.
OMPHALOIomphaloi n. Plural of omphalos.
OMPHALOS n. (Greek) a central point, a navel.
OMPHALOSomphalos n. An ancient religious stone artifact, or baetylus, used to denote the direction of the "center" of the world.
omphalos n. The theological proposition that the world was created with certain indicia of a history which had not…
omphalos n. The navel.
PHALANGEphalange n. (Obsolete) A phalanx (Of soldiers, people etc.).
phalange n. (Anatomy) A phalanx.
phalange n. (Zoology) Any of the joints of an insect’s tarsus.
PHALLINSphallins n. Plural of phallin.
PHALLIN n. a type of fungal poison.
PHALLISMphallism n. The worship of the phallus (penis) as a symbol of male generative power.
PHALLISM n. worship of the phallus as symbolic of nature's creative power.
PHALLISTphallist n. Someone who practises phallism.
PHALLIST n. an adherent of phallism.
PHALLOIDphalloid adj. Resembling a penis.
phalloid n. Any fungus of the genus Phallus.
PHALLOID adj. phallus shaped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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