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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing PEDI

EXPEDITEexpedite v. (Transitive) To accelerate the progress of.
expedite v. (Transitive, by extension) To perform (a task) fast and efficiently.
expedite v. To perform the duties of an expediter.
IMPEDINGimpeding v. Present participle of impede.
IMPEDE v. to retard by obstructing.
PEDICABSpedicabs n. Plural of pedicab.
PEDICAB n. a light vehicle consisting of a tricycle with the addition of a covered seat for a passenger.
PEDICELSpedicels n. Plural of pedicel.
PEDICEL n. a slender basal part of an organism, also PEDICLE.
PEDICLEDpedicled adj. Having one or more pedicles.
PEDICLED adj. having a pedicle.
PEDICLESpedicles n. Plural of pedicle.
PEDICLE n. a slender basal part of an organism, also PEDICEL.
PEDICULIpediculi n. Plural of pediculus.
PEDICULUS n. (Latin) any member of the louse genus.
PEDICUREpedicure n. A cosmetic treatment for the feet and toenails.
pedicure n. (Dated) A pedicurist.
pedicure v. To apply such treatment to the feet.
PEDIFORMpediform adj. Having the shape of a foot.
PEDIFORM adj. shaped like a foot.
PEDIGREEpedigree n. A chart, list, or record of ancestors, to show breeding, especially distinguished breeding.
pedigree n. A person’s ancestral history; ancestry, lineage.
pedigree n. (Uncountable) Good breeding or ancestry.
PEDIMENTpediment n. (Architecture) A classical architectural element consisting of a triangular section or gable found above…
PEDIMENT n. a triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building.
PEDIPALPpedipalp n. (Zoology) Either of a second pair of appendages near the mouth of many arachnids, variously specialized…
PEDIPALP n. one of the second pair of appendages of an arachnoid, also PEDIPALPUS.
STAPEDIIstapedii n. Plural of stapedius.
STAPEDIUS n. the muscle of the middle ear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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