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There are 11 eight-letter words containing PAPE

ENDPAPERendpaper n. Either of two folded sheets of paper used to connect the front and back covers of a book to the first and last pages.
ENDPAPER n. a sheet of paper used in bookbinding.
FLYPAPERflypaper n. A strip of paper coated with a sticky, often poisonous, substance that catches and kills flies that land on it.
flypaper v. To cause something to become stuck with, or as if with, flypaper.
fly-paper n. Alternative form of flypaper.
GUNPAPERgunpaper n. Alternative form of gun-paper.
gun-paper n. Paper-pulp that has been impregnated with nitrates, used for the explosive charge in firearms.
gun␣paper n. Alternative form of gun-paper.
OILPAPERoilpaper n. A translucent, waterproof paper made by soaking in oil.
OILPAPER n. paper which has been oiled, e.g. to make it waterproof.
PAPERBOYpaperboy n. A male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round.
PAPERBOY n. a newsboy.
PAPERERSpaperers n. Plural of paperer.
PAPERER n. one who papers.
PAPERIERPAPERY adj. resembling paper.
PAPERINGpapering v. Present participle of paper.
papering n. Wallpaper.
papering n. (Law) A technique of boycotting a judge by the Public Defender’s Office by filing a request for a different…
REPAPERSrepapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repaper.
REPAPER v. to apply new paper.
TARPAPERtarpaper n. A heavy paper, coated with tar, used to waterproof walls and roofs.
tar␣paper n. Alternative spelling of tarpaper.
TARPAPER n. a heavy paper coated with tar.
UNPAPERSunpapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unpaper.
UNPAPER v. to remove paper from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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