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There are 9 seven-letter words containing PSTE

GYPSTERgypster n. A trickster or swindler.
HEPSTERhepster n. Dated form of hipster (“follower of the latest trends, fashions, styles, such as jazz and Bohemian culture…
HEPSTER n. (slang) one who is hep, streetwise, also HIPSTER.
HIPSTERhipster n. A person who is keenly interested in the latest trends or fashions.
hipster n. A member of Bohemian counterculture.
hipster n. An aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip.
POPSTERpopster n. (Informal) A pop musician.
POPSTER n. a pop musician.
TAPSTERtapster n. (Archaic) One whose business is to tap or draw ale or other liquor.
TAPSTER n. a person who draws and serves ale or other alcoholic drinks at an inn, bar, etc.
TIPSTERtipster n. A person who provides tips or advice to others, for example on the form of racehorses or the stock market.
tipster n. (Video games, informal) One who provides tips or hints on how to succeed at a game.
TIPSTER n. one who sells information to gamblers.
UPSTEPSupsteps n. Plural of upstep.
UPSTEP v. to step up.
YUPSTERyupster n. (Slang, derogatory) An affluent follower of trends.
YUPSTER n. a hipster with a professional job who seeks to climb the corporate ladder while remaining true to his ideals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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