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There are 10 seven-letter words containing POLE

DIPOLESdipoles n. Plural of dipole.
DIPOLE n. a pair of equal and opposite electric charges.
MAYPOLEmaypole n. A pole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day.
maypole n. (Idiomatic) A very tall girl or young lady.
maypole n. (Ornithology) A maypole-like structure of sticks placed about a sapling in the bowers of certain species of bowerbird.
POLEAXEpoleaxe n. An ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle.
poleaxe n. (Historical) A long-handled battle axe, being a combination of ax, hammer and pike.
poleaxe v. (Transitive) To fell someone with, or as if with, a poleaxe.
POLECATpolecat n. A weasel-like animal of the genus Mustela.
polecat n. (US, dialects, including Appalachia) A skunk.
polecat n. (Television) A tubular device used to support lights on a set.
POLEMICpolemic n. A person who writes in support of one opinion, doctrine, or system, in opposition to another; one skilled…
polemic n. An argument or controversy.
polemic n. A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
POLENTApolenta n. Any of various types and consistencies of a starchy accompaniment to a meal made from coarse maize-meal…
POLENTA n. (Italian) a thick mush of cornmeal.
POLEYNSpoleyns n. Plural of poleyn.
POLEYN n. a piece of armour for the knee.
RAMPOLERAMPOLE n. a dead tree or tree decayed at top, also RAMPICK, RAMPIKE, RANPIKE.
TADPOLEtadpole n. A young toad or frog in its larval stage of development that lives in water, has a tail and no legs…
tadpole n. (By extension) The aquatic larva of any amphibian.
tadpole n. A type of cargo bike that has two wheels in front and one in back.
ZEPPOLEzeppole n. Alternative form of zeppola.
zeppole n. Plural of zeppola.
ZEPPOLE n. (Italian) an Italian fritter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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