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There are 14 seven-letter words containing PLER

COUPLERcoupler n. (Now rare) Someone who couples things together, especially someone whose job it is to couple railway carriages.
coupler n. Anything that serves to couple things together; but especially a device that couples railway carriages.
coupler n. (Music) A device that connects two keyboards of an organ together so that they play together.
HOPPLERHOPPLER n. one who hopples.
PEOPLERpeopler n. A settler; an inhabitant.
PEOPLER n. a settler; an inhabitant.
PLERIONplerion n. (Astronomy) A nebula powered by the pulsar wind of a pulsar.
PLERION n. a supernova remnant emitting radiation from both centre and shell.
PLEROMApleroma n. (Botany) A plant of the genus Pleroma.
pleroma n. (Botany) The central portion of the primary meristem.
pleroma n. (Chiefly theology) A state of perfect fullness, especially of God’s being.
PLEROMEplerome n. (Botany) The central column of parenchyma in a growing stem or root. According to the histogen theory…
PLEROME n. (Greek) part of a plant responsible for growth.
PURPLERpurpler adj. Comparative form of purple: more purple.
PURPLE adj. of a colour which is a mixture between blue and red.
RIPPLERrippler n. One who uses a ripple (toothed instrument) to remove the seeds and seed vessels from flax, broom corn, etc.
rippler n. The instrument used for this purpose; ripple.
RIPPLER n. a toothed tool for cleaning waxed fibre.
SAMPLERsampler n. A piece of needlework embroidered with a variety of designs.
sampler n. Someone whose job is to take samples.
sampler n. A device that takes samples.
SEMPLERSEMPLE adj. (Scots) of humble birth.
SIMPLERsimpler adj. Comparative form of simple: more simple, less complicated or challenging.
simpler n. (Archaic) One who grows or gathers simples (medicinal herbs).
SIMPLER n. (archaic) one skilled in simples, or medicinal plants, also SIMPLIST.
STAPLERstapler n. A device which binds together sheets of paper by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and…
stapler n. (Dated) A dealer in staple goods.
stapler n. (Dated) One employed to sort wool according to its staple.
SUPPLERsuppler adj. Comparative form of supple: more supple.
SUPPLE adj. pliant, lithe.
TIPPLERtippler n. (Archaic, Webster 1913) A seller of alcoholic liquors; keeper of a tippling-house.
tippler n. A habitual drinker; a bibber.
tippler n. A breed of domestic pigeon bred to participate in endurance competitions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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