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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing PIST

EPISTLEepistle n. A letter, or a literary composition in the form of a letter.
epistle n. (Christianity) One of the letters included as a book of the New Testament.
epistle v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To write; to communicate in a letter or by writing.
HARPISTharpist n. Someone who plays a harp, especially a pedal harp.
HARPIST n. one who plays the harp, also HARPER.
MAPPISTmappist n. (Archaic) cartographer.
MAPPIST n. one who works with maps.
PISTILSpistils n. Plural of pistil.
PISTIL n. the seed-bearing organ of flowering plants.
PISTOLEpistole n. (Historical) A Spanish gold double-escudo coin of the mid-sixteenth century, or any of various gold…
pistole n. (By extension) A disc-shaped piece of chocolate, the size of a coin, designed for melting when cooking.
Pistole prop.n. A surname from German.
PISTOLSpistols n. Plural of pistol.
PISTOL v. to shoot with a small firearm.
PISTONSpistons n. Plural of piston.
PISTON n. a part of an engine.
PISTOUSPISTOU n. (French) a French sauce made of olive oil, garlic, basil, and often cheese.
RAPISTSrapists n. Plural of rapist.
RAPIST n. one who commits rape.
TAPISTStapists n. Plural of tapist.
TAPIST n. one who revels in the use of red tape.
TROPISTtropist n. One who uses or deals in tropes.
tropist n. One who avoids the literal meaning of the language of Scripture by explaining it as mere tropes and figures of speech.
TROPIST n. a user of tropes.
TYPISTStypists n. Plural of typist.
TYPIST n. one who types.
UTOPISTutopist n. A utopian.
utopist adj. Utopian.
UTOPIST n. one who believes in utopism, the establishment of a utopia, also UTOPIAN, UTOPIAST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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