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There are 11 seven-letter words containing PICA

APICALSapicals n. Plural of apical.
APICAL n. a sound articulated with the tip of the tongue.
EPICARPepicarp n. (Botany) Exocarp.
EPICARP n. the outermost layer of a fruit.
PICACHOPICACHO n. (Spanish) an isolated peak of a hill.
PICADORpicador n. (Bullfighting) A lancer mounted on horseback who assists a matador.
PICADOR n. (Spanish) a matador's assistant, a mounted bullfighter with a lance.
PICAMARpicamar n. (Organic chemistry) An oily liquid hydrocarbon extracted from the creosote of beechwood tar, and consisting…
PICAMAR n. (Latin) a liquid obtained from tar.
PICANTEPICANTE adj. hot and spicy.
PICARASpicaras n. Plural of picara.
PICARA n. (Spanish) a (female) rogue.
PICAROSpicaros n. Plural of picaro.
PICARO n. (Spanish) a (male) rogue.
SPICATEspicate adj. (Botany) Having the form of a spike, or ear; arranged in a spike or spikes.
SPICATE adj. spiked; spikelike, also SPICATED.
TOPICALtopical adj. Relating to a particular topic or subject.
topical adj. Relating to a topic or subject of current interest.
topical adj. Local to a particular place.
TYPICALtypical adj. Capturing the overall sense of a thing.
typical adj. Characteristically representing something by form, group, idea or type.
typical adj. Normal, average; to be expected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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