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There are 16 seven-letter words containing PERC

APERCUSapercus n. Plural of apercu.
aperçus n. Plural of aperçu.
APERCU n. (French) a glimpse; an intuitive insight.
EMPERCEEMPERCE v. (Spenser) to pierce, also EMPIERCE.
PERCALEpercale n. (Textiles) A fine, closely woven fabric, made from cotton, polyester or a mix of these, and used for…
PERCALE n. (French) a closely woven French cambric.
PERCASEpercase adv. (Obsolete) Perchance; perhaps.
PERCASE adv. (obsolete) perhaps; perchance.
PERCENTpercent adv. For every hundred (used with preceding numeral to form a noun phrase expressing a proportion).
percent n. A percentage, a proportion (especially per hundred).
percent n. One part per hundred; one percent.
PERCEPTpercept n. (Philosophy, psychology, now rare) Something perceived; the object of perception.
percept n. (Philosophy, psychology, linguistics) A perceived object as it exists in the mind of someone perceiving…
PERCEPT n. something that is perceived.
PERCHEDperched v. Simple past tense and past participle of perch.
perched adj. Situated as if balancing above something.
PERCH v. to sit in an elevated place.
PERCHERpercher n. One who fishes for perch.
percher n. One that perches.
percher n. A bird that is perching or that regularly perches.
PERCHESperches n. Plural of perch.
perches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of perch.
Perches prop.n. A commune in northeastern Haiti.
PERCIDSpercids n. Plural of percid.
PERCID n. a freshwater fish of the perch family, also PERCINE, PERCOID, PERCOIDEAN.
PERCINEpercine adj. (Rare, obsolete) Resembling a perch (the fish).
percine n. (Rare) A fish in the genus Perca.
percine n. (Biochemistry) A protamine found in the sperm of yellow perch Perca flavescens.
PERCINGpercing v. Present participle of perce.
PERCE v. (Spenser) to pierce, also PEARCE, PERCEN, PERSE.
PERCOCTPERCOCT v. to cook thoroughly.
PERCOIDpercoid adj. Of or belonging to Percoidea, a taxonomic superfamily in the order Perciformes.
percoid n. (Obsolete) Any fish of the genus Perca, or allied genera of the family Percidae (originally named "Percoides"…
percoid n. Any fish in the superfamily Percoidea.
PERCUSSpercuss v. (Transitive) to strike; to hit; to knock; to give a blow to.
percuss v. (Intransitive) to impact.
percuss v. (Transitive, chiefly medicine) to attempt to divine the location or other quality of something by tapping…
UNPERCHunperch v. (Transitive) To dislodge or drive from a perch.
UNPERCH v. to drive from a perch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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