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There are 20 seven-letter words containing PAST

COMPASTcompast v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of compass.
COMPAST adj. (archaic) rounded.
FLYPASTflypast n. (Britain) A low-level flight of a ceremonial nature; a flyover (US).
fly-past n. Alternative form of flypast.
FLYPAST n. a flight, at low altitude or close range, also FLYBY.
IMPASTEimpaste v. (Transitive, archaic) To knead; to make into paste; to concrete.
impaste v. (Art) To lay colours thickly on canvas by the impasto technique.
IMPASTE v. to lay colours on thickly.
IMPASTOimpasto n. (Painting) The use of a thick-bodied paint to create peaks and crests that physically extend from the…
impasto v. (Painting) To paint in thick-bodied paint; to paint in impasto style.
IMPASTO n. (Italian) the application of pigment thickly, in painting.
NONPASTnonpast adj. Alternative form of non-past.
non-past adj. (Grammar, of the tense) Of a tense, not pertaining to the past; in particular, applicable to both the…
NONPAST n. a verb form that lacks a past tense inflection.
PASTELSpastels n. Plural of pastel.
PASTEL n. a soft, delicate hue.
PASTERNpastern n. The part of a horse’s leg between the fetlock joint and the hoof.
pastern n. (Obsolete) A shackle for horses while pasturing.
pastern n. (Obsolete) A patten.
PASTERSpasters n. Plural of paster.
Pasters prop.n. Plural of Paster.
PASTER n. one who pastes.
PASTEUPpasteup n. A sheet on which text, images, etc. are pasted in order to be copied and printed, such as for an advertisement.
paste-up n. Alternative form of pasteup.
paste␣up v. (Idiomatic) To create a pasteup.
PASTIERpastier adj. Comparative form of pasty: more pasty.
PASTY adj. pale and unhealthy in appearance, also PASTIE.
PASTIESpasties n. Plural of pasty.
pasties n. Plural of pastie.
pasties n. (Slang) dry mouth; xerostomia.
PASTILSpastils n. Plural of pastil.
PASTIL n. a small, often medicated, sweet, also PASTILLE.
PASTILYpastily adv. In a pasty manner.
PASTY adv. pale and unhealthy in appearance, also PASTIE.
PASTIMEpastime n. Something which amuses, and serves to make time pass agreeably.
pastime v. (Intransitive, obsolete) to sport; to amuse oneself.
PASTIME n. a recreational activity, also PASTANCE.
PASTINApastina n. A small piece of pasta used in soups etc.
PASTINA n. (Italian) tiny pieces of pasta cooked in soups or used as baby food.
PASTINGpasting n. The act of applying paste to something, or affixing something using paste.
pasting n. (Slang) Defeat, beating.
pasting v. Present participle of paste.
PASTORSpastors n. Plural of pastor.
pastors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pastor.
PASTOR v. to serve as the spiritual overseer of.
PASTUREpasture n. Land, specifically, an open field, on which livestock is kept for feeding.
pasture n. Ground covered with grass or herbage, used or suitable for the grazing of livestock.
pasture n. (Obsolete) Food, nourishment.
REPASTSrepasts n. Plural of repast.
repasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repast.
REPAST v. to partake of a meal.
SPASTICspastic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or affected by spasm.
spastic adj. (Pathology) Of or relating to spastic paralysis.
spastic adj. (Slang, derogatory, offensive in the UK) Clumsy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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