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There are 15 seven-letter words containing PANI

JAMPANIjampani n. One of the servants who carry a jampan.
JAMPANI n. (Bengali) an Indian sedan chair bearer, also JAMPANEE.
MOPANISmopanis n. Plural of mopani.
MOPANI n. (Bantu) a small South African tree with racemes of greenish flowers, also MOPANE.
PANICKSpanicks n. Plural of panick.
panicks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of panick.
PANICK n. any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICUM, PANNICK.
PANICKYpanicky adj. In a state of panic.
PANICKY adj. tending to panic.
PANICLEpanicle n. (Botany) A compound raceme.
PANICLE n. a loosely branched flower cluster.
PANICUMpanicum n. Any of the genus Panicum of tropical grasses.
Panicum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poaceae – including millets, witchgrass, barnyard grass, and hundreds…
PANICUM n. (Latin) any grass of the genus Panicum, that includes millet, also PANICK, PANNICK.
PANIERSpaniers n. Plural of panier.
PANIER n. a large basket, also PANNIER.
PANINISpaninis n. Plural of panini.
PANINI n. (Italian) grilled, Italian-style sandwiches.
PANISCSpaniscs n. Plural of panisc.
Paniscs n. Plural of Panisc.
PANISC n. (Greek) an inferior god, attendant upon Pan, also PANISK.
PANISKSPanisks n. Plural of Panisk.
PANISK n. (Greek) an inferior god, attendant upon Pan, also PANISC.
SPANIELspaniel n. Any of various small to medium-sized breeds of gun dog having a broad muzzle, long, wavy fur and long…
spaniel n. A cringing, fawning person.
spaniel v. To follow loyally or obsequiously, like a spaniel.
SPANINGspaning v. Present participle of spane.
SPANE v. (Scots) to wean, also SPAIN, SPEAN.
TIMPANItimpani n. (Music) The set of precision kettledrums in an orchestra.
TIMPANO n. (Italian) a kettledrum, also TYMPANO.
TYMPANItympani n. Alternative spelling of timpani.
TYMPANO n. a kettledrum, also TIMPANO.
ULPANIMulpanim n. Plural of ulpan.
ULPAN n. (Hebrew) a school in Israel for teaching Hebrew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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