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There are 12 six-letter words containing PRIS

CAPRIScapris n. Capri pants.
CAPRIS n. women's tapering trousers ending above the ankle.
CYPRIScypris n. Cyprid.
CYPRIS n. a type of barnacle, also CYPRID.
EPRISEEPRISE adj. (French) captivated or smitten (of a female).
PRISEDprised v. Simple past tense and past participle of prise.
PRISE v. to raise or force with a lever.
PRISERpriser n. A tool for prising something open.
priser n. Obsolete form of prizer.
PRISER n. a contestant for a prize, also PRIZER.
PRISESprises n. Plural of prise.
PRISE v. to raise or force with a lever.
PRISMSprisms n. Plural of prism.
PRISM n. (Greek) a solid figure of which the two ends are similar, equal, and parallel rectilineal figures, and the sides parallelograms.
PRISMYprismy adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to a prism.
PRISMY adj. having colours as from a prism.
PRISONprison n. A place or institution of confinement, especially of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious…
prison n. (Uncountable) Confinement in prison.
prison n. (Colloquial, figurative) Any restrictive environment, such as a harsh academy or home.
PRISSYprissy adj. Excessively prim, proper, particular or fussy.
prissy adj. (Usually derogatory) Very feminine or dressy.
prissy adj. Well-mannered, well-behaved.
UPRISEuprise v. (Archaic) To rise; to get up.
uprise v. (Archaic) To have an upward direction or inclination.
uprise v. To rebel or revolt; to take part in an uprising.
UPRISTuprist n. (Obsolete) Uprising.
uprist n. (Obsolete, Christianity) The Resurrection.
UPRIST n. a revolt, also UPREST, UPRISING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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