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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing PROC

MICROPROCESSORmicroprocessor n. (Computer hardware) the entire CPU of a computer on a single integrated circuit (chip).
MICROPROCESSOR n. a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip.
MULTIPROCESSORmultiprocessor n. (Computer hardware) A computer that has multiple CPUs or execution units under an integrated control.
MULTIPROCESSOR n. a type of computer.
NONRECIPROCALSSorry, definition not available.
OVERPROCESSINGoverprocessing v. Present participle of overprocess.
OVERPROCESS v. to process excessively.
PROCELEUSMATICproceleusmatic n. (Poetry) A metrical foot consisting of four short syllables.
proceleusmatic adj. Inciting; animating; encouraging.
proceleusmatic adj. (Poetry, not comparable) Consisting of four short syllables; composed of metrical feet of four short syllables each.
PROCESSABILITYprocessability n. The property of being processable.
PROCESSABILITY n. the state of being processable, also PROCESSIBILITY.
PROCESSIBILITYprocessibility n. Alternative form of processability.
PROCESSIBILITY n. the state of being processible, also PROCESSABILITY.
PROCESSIONALLYprocessionally adv. In processional fashion; one after the other.
PROCESSIONAL adv. of or like a procession.
PROCESSIONINGSprocessionings n. Plural of processioning.
PROCESSIONING n. the act of going in procession.
PROCONSULSHIPSproconsulships n. Plural of proconsulship.
PROCONSULSHIP n. the office of proconsul.
PROCRASTINATEDprocrastinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of procrastinate.
PROCRASTINATE v. to put off intentionally and habitually.
PROCRASTINATESprocrastinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of procrastinate.
PROCRASTINATE v. to put off intentionally and habitually.
PROCRASTINATORprocrastinator n. One who procrastinates; one who delays working on things.
PROCRASTINATOR n. one who procrastinates.
PROCRYPTICALLYPROCRYPTIC adv. pertaining to or having protective coloration.
PROCURATORSHIPprocuratorship n. The role or position of a procurator.
PROCURATORSHIP n. the office of procurator.
RAPPROCHEMENTSrapprochements n. Plural of rapprochement.
RAPPROCHEMENT n. (French) a resumption of or improvement in relations between countries or persons.
RECIPROCATIONSreciprocations n. Plural of reciprocation.
RECIPROCATION n. a mutual exchange.
TELEPROCESSINGteleprocessing n. (Dated, computing) The exchange of data between computers, or between a central computer and terminals…
TELEPROCESSING n. remote-controlled computer processing.
UNRECIPROCATEDunreciprocated adj. Not reciprocated.
UNRECIPROCATED adj. not reciprocated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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