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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing PENI

ERYTHROPENIASERYTHROPENIA n. diminution below the normal of the number of red cells in the blood.
IMPENITENCIESimpenitencies n. Plural of impenitency.
IMPENITENCY n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCE.
NONHAPPENINGSnonhappenings n. Plural of nonhappening.
NONHAPPENING n. an event of no importance.
OVERDEEPENINGoverdeepening v. Present participle of overdeepen.
overdeepening n. A very deeply eroded portion of a basin or valley.
OVERDEEPENING adj. excessively deepening.
PANCYTOPENIASpancytopenias n. Plural of pancytopenia.
PANCYTOPENIA n. an abnormal reduction in the number of erythrocytes, white blood cells, and blood platelets in the blood.
PANLEUCOPENIApanleucopenia n. Alternative form of panleukopenia.
PANLEUCOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUKOPENIA.
PANLEUKOPENIApanleukopenia n. A distemper of cats caused by a strain of Parvovirus.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PENICILLAMINEpenicillamine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A crystalline, sulfur-containing amino acid produced by the hydrolysis…
PENICILLAMINE n. an amino acid obtained from penicillins, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
PENICILLATELYPENICILLATE adv. like a tuft of hairs.
PENICILLATIONPENICILLATION n. the state of being penicillate, like a tuft of hairs.
PENICILLIFORMpenicilliform adj. (Botany) penicillate.
PENICILLIFORM adj. paintbrush-shaped.
PENICILLINASEpenicillinase n. (Biochemistry) A specific type of beta-lactamase showing specificity for penicillins.
PENICILLINASE n. an enzyme, produced by certain bacteria, that inactivates the effect of some penicillins.
PENINSULARITYpeninsularity n. The state of being, or of inhabiting, a peninsula.
peninsularity n. Narrow provincialism.
PENINSULARITY n. the state of being peninsular.
PENINSULATINGpeninsulating v. Present participle of peninsulate.
PENINSULATE v. to form into a peninsula.
PENITENTIALLYpenitentially adv. In a penitential manner.
PENITENTIAL adv. relating to penitence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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