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There are 8 twelve-letter words containing PANC

COMEUPPANCEScomeuppances n. Plural of comeuppance.
come-uppances n. Plural of come-uppance.
COMEUPPANCE n. a deserved rebuke or penalty.
DISCREPANCESdiscrepances n. Plural of discrepance.
DISCREPANCE n. the state of being discrepant, also DISCREPANCY.
PANCHROMATICpanchromatic adj. (Photography, of black and white film) sensitive to all visible colours.
panchromatic adj. (Digital imaging) sensitive to a wide range of wavelengths of light, typically most of the visible spectrum.
PANCHROMATIC adj. of photographic film, sensitive to all colours.
PANCRATIASTSpancratiasts n. Plural of pancratiast.
PANCRATIAST n. a competitor or victor in the pancratium, an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
PANCREATITISpancreatitis n. Inflammation of the pancreas.
PANCREATITIS n. inflammation of the pancreas.
PANCREOZYMINpancreozymin n. (Dated) cholecystokinin.
PANCREOZYMIN n. a hormone that stimulates enzyme production by the pancreas.
PANCYTOPENIApancytopenia n. (Pathology) A reduction in the numbers of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood.
PANCYTOPENIA n. an abnormal reduction in the number of erythrocytes, white blood cells, and blood platelets in the blood.
PREOCCUPANCYpreoccupancy n. The act or right of taking possession before another.
PREOCCUPANCY n. an act or the right of taking possession before another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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